How to link your account with a secondary program

This article outlines the process for adding a secondary linked program to your Cheercast account, which will allow you to access routine videos and content from both programs, all from the one account.

Prerequisites for adding a secondary program

  • You must already be linked with a primary program (i.e. your main gym or studio)
  • The program owner of your primary program has updated their own account to add a secondary program. For more information about this process for program owners, click here.

How to link your account with a secondary program

  1. Click here to login and go to the Your Program page
  2. Select the tab titled ‘Link secondary program’ (can’t see this? You will only see this tab if your account is linked with your main program first. To learn more about linking your account, read this article
  3. If you are able to link your account with a secondary program, the ‘Link secondary program’ tab will show you the name of the secondary program you are able to link with and provide further instructions for linking your account.
  4. Enter the linking password for the secondary program exactly as provided by your coach or program owner as this is case-sensitive (note: you may need to get this from the secondary program directly).
  5. Confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions and then click the ‘Add secondary linked program’ button.

Frequently asked questions about this process

What happens if I need to remove the link with my primary or secondary program

If you need to remove your main or secondary linked program, you can do this via the ‘Remove linked program’ tab on the ‘Your Program’ page. Note that you will have the option of either removing ONLY your secondary program or BOTH your primary and secondary program.

Can I change my primary linked program and still keep my secondary program?

No, if you update your linked program via ‘Change linked program’ tab, this process will also remove the secondary program, as they are linked.

How often can I change my primary or secondary linked program?

The restrictions for changing your linked program remain the same regardless of whether you are also linked to a secondary program. This is currently 3 times per year and once per month. Repeatedly changing your primary  or secondary program can lead to your account being blocked, which requires manually unblocking by our team.

Do I still have to provide the linking password for the secondary program I want to link with?

Yes, in order to protect your program’s videos and photos from unauthorised users, you are still required to provide the secondary program’s linking password to link your account.

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