Frequently asked questions about our video delivery system and video quality

This page has more information regarding how we film our routine videos and answers to commonly asked questions about routine video quality and settings.

What quality options do I have when watching or downloading routine videos?

Cheercast records routine videos in Full HD quality (at a resolution of 1920px wide by 1080px high at 50fps). Videos are encoded at a bitrate of approximately 12,000kbps using the H.264 codec (wrapped in an .mp4 container). This combination of settings is the ideal format when considering quality and file size, which we need to take into account to ensure routines don’t take too long to upload and download.

When watching routines on the Cheercast website, we serve these at a resolution that matches your internet connection, to ensure you can watch the routine without buffering. When downloading routines from the Cheercast website, we always provide the highest quality file available (usually 1920 x 1080p). It is currently not possible to download any other resolutions.

Why do some events have routine videos that zoom or pan and others don't?

Cheercast allows EPs to choose how they wish the main floor camera to be managed on an event to event basis. For the majority of EPs that we work with, they choose to have a static (i.e. without an operator zooming or panning) main floor camera at each event, to ensure their judges are able to view the full width of the competition surface at all times and judge accordingly.

While we understand this means that in these cases routine videos that are available on the Cheercast website end up having a very wide field of view (and that may make it harder to see individual athletes and their faces), at the end of the day this is at the discretion of the EP and their judges.

Where requested, Cheercast may also have additional camera angles onsite OR an operator for the main floor camera, in which case there may be an option to view the routine from more than one camera angle.

Cheercast is always looking for ways to provide an excellent experience for both judges and our end users and are actively investigating options to distribute higher quality routines that feature closer shots of the action, while still supporting our judges and ensuring video files aren’t too big that it impacts the user experience.

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