Updates to our photo distribution system and photo quality

We’ve heard your feedback and our team have been hard at work on an updated system for handling photo distribution and making this process easier AND faster. The below updated system will be in place for all events in the 2025 season.

A background on how Photo Distribution works

Historically, the photo distribution experience on Cheercast has been slow for galleries to load and display photos. This is primarily because our system has always served the original quality version of a photo every time you load up a gallery. This means that each time you view a gallery, our site is loading anywhere between 100 and 200 high quality photos to be displayed on the page, all at once. This puts an enormous strain not only on the website itself, but also on your browser and device in general, which can result in your device running slow or photos taking a while to display.

The reason we set the system up this way was because we wanted to deliver the photos in their original, high quality format, and while we still think this is important, we know that we need to strike a better balance between delivering the high quality, original files AND ensuring your experience when accessing our website is easy, fast and efficient.

How Photo Distribution will work from 2025 onwards

Our updated photo distribution system does the following:

  • Automatically copies the high quality, original images in each gallery to a new folder and creates a smaller version (approximately 1024pixels wide and around 200kb filesize).
  • Delivers the above compressed versions whenever you view a gallery on the Cheercast website
  • Delivers the original, uncompressed images when you request to download the entire folder of images.

An example of what this means

Lets say you’re trying to view a gallery that has 100 photos where each photo is approximately 3MB in size. Currently that means you’re loading almost 3GB worth of photos on the page when you view the gallery, which, depending on your internet connection and device, could take up to 5-10minutes to download/view for the first time. Under the new system we’re delivering images that are almost 10 times smaller than the original file sizes, which means that 3GB gallery is reduced to just 40MB total. 

Does this mean photo quality is being reduced?

No, as a large majority of Cheercast users view photos on a mobile device or a screen that is smaller than 1920 pixels wide, its very unlikely that you will notice a difference in quality when this system is updated. Of course, we want to make sure you can still access the high quality versions as well, so you will always be able to do this by downloading the zip files, which will include the original photos as taken by the event photographer.

Updating our system to this new process also means that going forward, photographers can increase the size of the original files themselves, meaning that for all future events we plan on allowing event photographers to increase the size and quality of their original files, which will be accessible to you when you download entire galleries.

This system was being tested at the end of 2024 and so while photo galleries from select events may be updated to the new system, others may not be and will still be delivering the original high quality versions when you view photos in a gallery on the website.

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